Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Resigned... It's about time

This morning was the last day of work for my valet parking job. It has been more than 2 months since i started working. Waking up at 5 and reaching there by 6.30 in the morning can prove to be fatal (at times...)

Oh wells, i guess it doesn't matter for now... cause believe it or not, tomorrow will be the FIRST WEDNESDAY i get to wake up after 5am since mid-AUGUST! It has come a long way to quit this job, from requesting a free parking slot in Viaduct, to a near fight with one of the workmate (which he was at fault... Obviously), from requesting another free parking slot on ANZAC Avenue, to a near pay-rise. I have to say, i'm leaving this job with a heck lots of memories... most importantly leaving my few hongkong/china friends behind.

To commemorate my 4th resignation, i've taken down some memories which i will truly miss while working...

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Chrysler PT Cruiser... a bit weird, but i think it's okay

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*DROOOOL* Volkswagen Golf GTi! Every guy's dream car(small car category)!

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*stunned*.... Chrysler 300C! this car, is so so huge... i had trouble locating the window

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Inside the funky cabin of an MiniCooperS

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Inside the sporty cabin of Nissan 350Z!

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most expensive car i've ever driven, a NZ$300,000 Porsche Targa with 500bhp underneath me!

Till then, i guess it's the end for now...

HonLin signing off at 10.00pm (alrights... starting another resume)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Exams Fever ON!

Upon receiving this statement from my university, a sudden chill lurks downwards my spine and give me this very horrible hidden un-ambigous message that my exams will not be Easy at all...

Exams are exactly 2 weeks from today, i feel the pressure gaining on me ...fast

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Last assignment of the whole year... my dynamics Lab report which is due tomorrow!

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*chill*... exam timetable

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Exam subjects in order

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in respect to date and time

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should i love you or hate you??? hmm...

Nevertheless, i shall get back to studies...

HonLin signing off at 10.10pm!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Need to watch....

Spiderman 3!!!
i want to watch it but it won't be out till next year winter! damn... that's a long wait... May 4th of 2007 to be precise.

Here's the trailer people

Want to watch iT!!!

HonLin signing off at 5.32pm

Saturday, October 21, 2006

End of Semester 2

Well it's about time, the last glimpse of spring time, the moment of torture, the feeling of being pressured... i officially announced the END of Semester 2!

what a semester we had i must say, remembered back in semester 1 we had to work hardout for design 2A (At least for mechanical students k?). Thought moments like that was not going to be revived... who knows MECHENG270& MECHENG224 did exactly like it at the beginning?

Project 2 nearly killed me seriously... stayed up 3 nights till 5++ and even skipped work just to complete it. I must admit too, if it wasn't Zach, Boon and Chee Siang... i wouldn't have completed it. BUT mostly... i would really need to thank Chee Siang for staying up late to help me and Jeremy in C++... so there you go... THANKS a MILLION!!!

I shall just sum my workload for semester 2 ya... it goes

Week 1 - Nothing much really, had an extra tutorial Thermofluids to use the software

Week 2 - software Assigment 1 submission, assessment for assignment 1, Thermofluids Quiz 1

Week 3 - Thermofluids first lab,Thermofluids Quiz 2

Week 4 - software Assignment 2 submission, assessment for assignment2,Thermofluids Quiz 3

Week 5 - Dynamics Lab cancelled! (woohoo),Thermofluids Quiz 4

Week 6 - Microeconomics Test #1 (20%), Vector Project Hand-in (Dynamics), software Assignment 3, assessment for assignment 3,Thermofluids Quiz 5

//////// Mid- Semester break for 2 weeks /////////

Week 7 - Thermofluids Lab 2, Software test (10%), Thermofluids Test,Thermofluids Quiz 6

Week 8 - Dynamics Test (15%),Thermofluids Quiz 7

Week 9 - software Project 1 submission (20%), assessment for Project 1, Microeconomics Test #2,Thermofluids Quiz 8

Week 10 - Thermofluids Lab 3,Thermofluids Quiz 9

Week 11 - Dynamics Lab,Thermofluids Quiz 10

Week 12 - Software Test #2 (20%), software Project 2 submission, assessment for Project 2,Thermofluids Quiz 11

Pretty busy huh? Software Project 2 really nearly did killed me... so as Thermofluids test. Well it's all about Exams i guess... all down to it! Anyhow we shall survive another big hit!

HonLin signing off at 10.54pm

Friday, October 20, 2006

My Revamped Site!

Hey guys, i was thinking of revamping my site... so i have. Introducing my New template, i will start posting posts tomorrow. For now... sit back and Relax

HonLin signing off at 10.33pm for the first time!