Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Going Back Home in 80Hours

I guess this is my last 24 hours in Auckland for year 2006 huh... leaving behind what i called "Memories", and let's just say Lots of it. I have to admit, this year has not been as good as i would have thought so... although i have found something very precious which i think would be the highlight of my 2006 year.

I will be boarding my flight in the next 15hours or so... Exams ended like a swift, it came, it saw, it conquered!

Anyhow i'll briefly explain to you my flight journey home, so here goes!

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Departing from Auckland International Airport, i arrive in Brisbane within 3.5 hours with one onboard meal (i hope). Since this is just a stop over, no baggage check in needed thankfully...

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The longest part of the journey, departing from Brisbane International Airport direct to Singapore Changi Airport. Estimated time to be 7.5 hours.

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Final league... A short flight from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur International Airport! finally the moment has arrived.

After a near 24 hours journey, i will cross 5 timezones, 4 Countries, 3 Seas, 2 Continents and covering 6000miles of flight path. Amazing isn't it what commercial planes can do...

All the Best for everyone here, hope you guys will enjoy your holidays!

till then... Take Care and Good Luck!

HonLin signing off for the last time in Auckland of 2006 at 3.54am!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Resigned... It's about time

This morning was the last day of work for my valet parking job. It has been more than 2 months since i started working. Waking up at 5 and reaching there by 6.30 in the morning can prove to be fatal (at times...)

Oh wells, i guess it doesn't matter for now... cause believe it or not, tomorrow will be the FIRST WEDNESDAY i get to wake up after 5am since mid-AUGUST! It has come a long way to quit this job, from requesting a free parking slot in Viaduct, to a near fight with one of the workmate (which he was at fault... Obviously), from requesting another free parking slot on ANZAC Avenue, to a near pay-rise. I have to say, i'm leaving this job with a heck lots of memories... most importantly leaving my few hongkong/china friends behind.

To commemorate my 4th resignation, i've taken down some memories which i will truly miss while working...

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Chrysler PT Cruiser... a bit weird, but i think it's okay

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*DROOOOL* Volkswagen Golf GTi! Every guy's dream car(small car category)!

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*stunned*.... Chrysler 300C! this car, is so so huge... i had trouble locating the window

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Inside the funky cabin of an MiniCooperS

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Inside the sporty cabin of Nissan 350Z!

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most expensive car i've ever driven, a NZ$300,000 Porsche Targa with 500bhp underneath me!

Till then, i guess it's the end for now...

HonLin signing off at 10.00pm (alrights... starting another resume)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Exams Fever ON!

Upon receiving this statement from my university, a sudden chill lurks downwards my spine and give me this very horrible hidden un-ambigous message that my exams will not be Easy at all...

Exams are exactly 2 weeks from today, i feel the pressure gaining on me ...fast

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Last assignment of the whole year... my dynamics Lab report which is due tomorrow!

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*chill*... exam timetable

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Exam subjects in order

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in respect to date and time

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should i love you or hate you??? hmm...

Nevertheless, i shall get back to studies...

HonLin signing off at 10.10pm!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Need to watch....

Spiderman 3!!!
i want to watch it but it won't be out till next year winter! damn... that's a long wait... May 4th of 2007 to be precise.

Here's the trailer people

Want to watch iT!!!

HonLin signing off at 5.32pm

Saturday, October 21, 2006

End of Semester 2

Well it's about time, the last glimpse of spring time, the moment of torture, the feeling of being pressured... i officially announced the END of Semester 2!

what a semester we had i must say, remembered back in semester 1 we had to work hardout for design 2A (At least for mechanical students k?). Thought moments like that was not going to be revived... who knows MECHENG270& MECHENG224 did exactly like it at the beginning?

Project 2 nearly killed me seriously... stayed up 3 nights till 5++ and even skipped work just to complete it. I must admit too, if it wasn't Zach, Boon and Chee Siang... i wouldn't have completed it. BUT mostly... i would really need to thank Chee Siang for staying up late to help me and Jeremy in C++... so there you go... THANKS a MILLION!!!

I shall just sum my workload for semester 2 ya... it goes

Week 1 - Nothing much really, had an extra tutorial Thermofluids to use the software

Week 2 - software Assigment 1 submission, assessment for assignment 1, Thermofluids Quiz 1

Week 3 - Thermofluids first lab,Thermofluids Quiz 2

Week 4 - software Assignment 2 submission, assessment for assignment2,Thermofluids Quiz 3

Week 5 - Dynamics Lab cancelled! (woohoo),Thermofluids Quiz 4

Week 6 - Microeconomics Test #1 (20%), Vector Project Hand-in (Dynamics), software Assignment 3, assessment for assignment 3,Thermofluids Quiz 5

//////// Mid- Semester break for 2 weeks /////////

Week 7 - Thermofluids Lab 2, Software test (10%), Thermofluids Test,Thermofluids Quiz 6

Week 8 - Dynamics Test (15%),Thermofluids Quiz 7

Week 9 - software Project 1 submission (20%), assessment for Project 1, Microeconomics Test #2,Thermofluids Quiz 8

Week 10 - Thermofluids Lab 3,Thermofluids Quiz 9

Week 11 - Dynamics Lab,Thermofluids Quiz 10

Week 12 - Software Test #2 (20%), software Project 2 submission, assessment for Project 2,Thermofluids Quiz 11

Pretty busy huh? Software Project 2 really nearly did killed me... so as Thermofluids test. Well it's all about Exams i guess... all down to it! Anyhow we shall survive another big hit!

HonLin signing off at 10.54pm

Friday, October 20, 2006

My Revamped Site!

Hey guys, i was thinking of revamping my site... so i have. Introducing my New template, i will start posting posts tomorrow. For now... sit back and Relax

HonLin signing off at 10.33pm for the first time!