Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Going Back Home in 80Hours

I guess this is my last 24 hours in Auckland for year 2006 huh... leaving behind what i called "Memories", and let's just say Lots of it. I have to admit, this year has not been as good as i would have thought so... although i have found something very precious which i think would be the highlight of my 2006 year.

I will be boarding my flight in the next 15hours or so... Exams ended like a swift, it came, it saw, it conquered!

Anyhow i'll briefly explain to you my flight journey home, so here goes!

League 1 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Departing from Auckland International Airport, i arrive in Brisbane within 3.5 hours with one onboard meal (i hope). Since this is just a stop over, no baggage check in needed thankfully...

League 2 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
The longest part of the journey, departing from Brisbane International Airport direct to Singapore Changi Airport. Estimated time to be 7.5 hours.

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Final league... A short flight from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur International Airport! finally the moment has arrived.

After a near 24 hours journey, i will cross 5 timezones, 4 Countries, 3 Seas, 2 Continents and covering 6000miles of flight path. Amazing isn't it what commercial planes can do...

All the Best for everyone here, hope you guys will enjoy your holidays!

till then... Take Care and Good Luck!

HonLin signing off for the last time in Auckland of 2006 at 3.54am!